Isolmant D311
Product made of a double-layer Isolmant with the upper side bonded to a high resistance aluminate embossed anti-tearing film
Isolmant D311 is recommended for under screed installation in single layer applications. Its application ensures high levels of thermal and impact sound insulation of the partition floor. It needs a finishing screed of at least 7cm. The screed should be suitably reinforced or reinforced by means of a suitable fibre. It is also raccomanded for acoustic and thermal isolation on pilotis floor.
Isolmant D311 - 22 mm
■ Thickness: 22mm (approx.)
■ Impact Sound Insulation: 26dB
■ Rigidity Stiffness: 37MN/m3
■ Dynamic load: CP 2
■ Compressive Strength: 4,6% a 2 kPa
■ Thermal Resistance: 0.595m2K/W
■ Thermal Conductivity: 0.037W/mK
■ Specific Heat Capacity: 2100
■ Water Vapour Resistance: 79m
■ Vapour Resistance (µ) 3600
■ Packaging: Sack
■ Packaging Quantity: 15
■ Length: 1.5m
■ Height: 1m
■ Format Type: Sheet