Mouldable, fully amorphous compound for corrosion prevention, available in sheets
Mouldable, fully amorphous compound for corrosion prevention, in above and below ground flanges, valves and parts
■ Controlled cold flow that offers continuous flow towards the finest micropores of the substrate
■ Conforms to irregular shapes
■ Low surface tension. Adheres to many types of substrates in molecular level
■ Surface tolerant: no sand blasting is required, cleaning by hand of power tools is sufficient (ISO 8501-1: St2)
■ Adhesion based on Van der Waals forces
■ Inert to aging and weather conditions
■ Resistant to many chemicals, like water, salt, acids, bases, polar solvents, etc.
■ Environmental friendly, not harmful to people
■ Fast and easy application
■ Easy to control application
■ Conforms to irregular shapes
■ No osmosis or undercreep possible
■ No cathodic disbondment
■ Cathodic protection (CP) of metal structures is unaffected
■ Guaranteed performances -
Available in 2 Kg sheets and in three versions depending on temperature:
■ Stopaq Paste CZ - maximum operating temperature +50oC
■ Stopaq Paste CZH - maximum operating temperature +70oC
■ Stopaq Paste CZHT - maximum operating temperature +95oC -